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School of computing sharepoint site has staff contact info and staff meeting minutes. Also see Gaynor's wiki on Teams.

Offices. There is a thermostat in the rooms in Bragg that should give you +-2C from the average. We are unsure if they really work. No windows open. They claim they have HEPA filters on the air-flow.

Cleaning. You have to send an email to Dawn to have someone vacuum your office. Windows are cleaned once a year or so. Otherwise it seems it is our problem (if anyone knows where the school keeps its cleaning supplies, please let me know).

Maintenance. Email estates for things that need fixing (lightbulbs, leaks, etc.,). Talk to computing admin staff to get keycard coded for new rooms.

Keys. Your white swipe card opens the front door out of hours (after 6pm) and the doors on your way to the office.If you are faculty, the black key-fob-with-a-button will open most other labs, faculty offices, and meeting rooms. Hold it about 15cm in front of the lock and press the button. repeat. The level 6 and 10 doors are locked (and can't be opened from outside with your fob) at about 5.30pm.


Holidays. The uni is closed (EC Stoner was locked) for all UK bank holidays (often with an extra day), plus Christmas, New Year, and Easter (each usually with an extra few days to a week). Uni calendar. In addition to these you can take your holiday allowance (5 weeks).

Time off. Book on mais, if things get complicated (time off in leiu etc.., email here). Your allocation of holiday resets on 1st October - uni rules. If you want long holidays - consider that there will still be MSc students to supervise over the Summer (but if you can do one meeting a week+emails while off the it'll be okay). Easter break is a good time to escape (students are still between taught between the other terms).

Maps. Bragg maps for level 2, 3, and 4. There is no known map of EC Stoner (we once lost a junior faculty member for weeks...). shitty University map. Interior map of three buildings (note the floor selector on left).

Coffee. There is no longer a free (£20/year) coffee machine in Bragg, there is a kitchen on every floor, and a coffee shop on the ground floor. There is a staff room on 3 (on the left as you leave the lift), but anyone can use it.

Printing. From a PC you send things to LeedsPrint, then go to a printer and log-in to print. You can mange your queue on the myprint website (old used to be papercut). On Win/Mac you can also use the desktop queue. If you register your ID card the system on the website you can swipe instead of entering your password every time. You paper usage is logged. The printers will scan to PDF and email the result to you.

Admin contact. There are a bunch of different emails for the school admin team (email Gaynor 28.9.21). More info on Teams.:

Stationary. The sliding-door cupboard (grey cabinate, black doors) in the eastern corner of level 2 bragg) contains lots of stationary - if it is locked, ask the Gaynor or pick the lock.

Buying things. If you want small things (headphones, webcams, books) ask Gaynor. Information on Expenses (e.g., travelling etc...). All travel goes through the universally hated much loved Key Travel. If you want to spend money on other things you will need to go through one of the purchasing systems.

They run a course you have to go to before you can buy anything yourself - this gives you access to SIPR so you can raise a ticket to have purchasing buy something for you.

Annual Academic Meeting (AAM). Yearly performance review with School directors. Late January. Paperwork. Sharepoint info.

Probation. New lecturers are generally given a two year probation period, conditional on teaching, paper-writing, and grant applications. paperwork.

staff review and development scheme (SRDS). After you're done with probation, you switch to one of these with your line-manager annually. paperwork.

Newspapers. The Uni has a subscription to FT (sign in with your work email), and Times Higher Education (instructions).

finding people. try azure directory or outlook search. Finally try the website.

room booking. For small meeting rooms in-school (2.08 bragg etc...), email For larger (10+ people) sized rooms, use the university system (or email when it's down). Capacities currently all 'whack 'caus of covid.