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IT Tickets. Make all requests here or email. Use this for everything from "install a font" to "my mouse is broken" to "install XXX in Dec10".

Admin permissions. It seems faculty are not expected to write code or install software frequently.

IT Service Desk. On level 10 in EC Stoner.

Uptime. uptime systems here.

GPUs / clusters/ research computing. see my page here.

Website. Edit your university (Jadu) webpage here. It will be listed publicly here. It finds publications from Symplectic automatically. To advertise PhD projects on the university's portal, use this. There is no way to list only your PhD projects... Both these system have a delay while marketing checks your content before uploading. Other Schools seeem to have their own webpages (SoComputing lost the fight with IT on this one...).

Group websites. Sites like vcg are run by research groups. They are wordpress installs on WPE. They all use the uni's theme. Apply here. IT charges the school £500 a year for the privilege of running your own WP plugins.

Dec10. The School's Linux lab on lvl 10 EC Stoner. (named after the PDP-10 terminal in the room). The air conditioning is controlled from the locked office so the room is usually too hot/cold. If your lab is scheduled, you can ask everyone else to leave.

Faculty Linux Computers. You can get an online clone of the Dec10 environment on feng (alternative. Both require VPN). It is also possible to shell into any of the Dec10 machines. They use the module system to access installed software ("module avail" at the command line). I have found a few cases where feng wasn't able to run code which does run in Dec10.

2FAIn 2021 Leeds introduced Duo for 2FA. Required for VPN + most microsoft services. You are expected to run this on your personal phone hardware.

Internet. Generally less than 100Mbs. Leeds uni IP block seems to be

Remote access.