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List of tutees here. A worse list ('Faculty & Student Information' --> List of all tutored students and links to information). SIS used to have a list.

Different schools have different routines for tutorials. Computing always meets the whole group, relitively often. The frequency of meetings changes with the year of the students:

Scheduling - the first years (and sometime the second years) will have a slot in their timetable for tutorials for each term. I haven't figured out how to find out what this is without asking the students. You organise the other years as you want.

The groups are too big for the offices, so try to book a bigger room - every other member of staff will also try to book a bigger room at the same time.

These were meant to mirror Oxbridge's every-week tutorials-with-academic-content; however at Leeds there is no academic content. Our basic goal is to make friends with the students, so they have a friendly face to turn to if things go wrong (and hopefully you build enough of relationship that they come to you before things go wrong...).

You will meet your new tutees the week before semester one starts. The tstaff mailing list will send out a temporary page containing your tutees. I tend to play games in these sessions. There might be a couple of meetings in the week, and a "party" in the refectory at the end.

A recent task devolved to tutors is checking that all your students have the correct number of credit points to pass the year. Usually 120. You can check on student services by viewing each student's transcript.

Resources for tutorial sessions are improving. Sam's ideas. Uni page here, tutor toolkit, random email from FEPS (which doesn't match with the meeting frequencies suggested in computing), general strategies (computing doesn't do 1-1 meetings) and referral points.

tutorial ideas:

There is little incentive for the students to attend (marks or curriculum):