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SWJTU organisation in Minerva. Request permission here. Staff page. On a map. Building 9.  Log into Minerva, so the links on this page work. Introductory material (in particular the handbook).

IT's information on connecting to Leeds' VPN (set it up before heading out to Chengdu).

Network. Generally net is "different"...

Getting to campus.

Generally the standard of English is below Continental-European-English-as-a-second-language levels. Speaking and listening can be as bad as about a 10-year old native.

Co-Lecturer. The module co-lecturer is responsible for grading assignments and exams and running additional labs etc... once you've left. You should check 10% of the grades for both coursework and exams before releasing the grades to students. Check that the co-lecturer understands the UK marking conventions (i.e. grades usually distributed in 40-80%).

WeChat group. The year has a WeChat group and exchange copious materials. (Similar to Leeds' student's WhatsApp groups, but with everyone (except you)). Mandarin. Resources, clarifications and rumor spread through this. Co-lecturer is usually in the group too. This is the student's preferred source of information (over Minerva, oral material in lectures, and what you write on the whiteboard in lab). Can be problematic when, e.g. material from last year is posted.

Minerva has significantly improved since IT switched to cloud-hosting. Watch out for the time of submissions - all times are in UK rather than local time...

Office. An office on the SWJTU corridor is shared with up to 6 other Leeds lecturers. Generally you'll want to use a meeting room to talk to groups of students.

Labs. The students don't like using the (Computing) lab computers. Installing a particular tool chain was challenging. To install software in the lab, the TA goes to each machine in turn. There are no login accounts - so people can see the previous user's (course)work. Lab machine video.

...Expect them to work on their own laptops. These are mainly Windows, ~20% OSX and the occasional Linux install. Remember their laptops (and all the software) will be in Mandarin so helping over their shoulders takes some getting used to. Take hand sanitizer.

Calendar. See who is out there by searching for "SWJTU-Leeds" in Leeds' Outlook calendar. Easier than trying to play spot-the-lecturer over hotel breakfast.

Shops. Opposite the hotel there's a street with lots of restaurants. Further down is "little America" with a wallmart, mcdonalds, and starbucks.

Hotel. (map) Default is the Holiday Inn.

Flight. Tends to be KLM from Leeds, changing at Amsterdam. Uni will pay for "Comfort Economy" upgrade. Leeds will also book the posh transfers with the Holiday Inn if you ask.

Timetable. Some dates here. I have no idea how to find SWJTU's teaching timetable except by emailing their staff?

Air pollution. Some staff have reported the pollution in the city affecting their health. Summer is better than Winter. Particulate have been advised and will be reimbursed - I didn't feel it was any worse that cycling through London. They leave the windows open in the university teaching space, so you will lecture through polluted air in the Summer.

SWJTU stands for Southwest Jiaotong University. Jiaotong means transport - they do a lot of trains.

Air conditioning. Chengdu is generally warmer than Leeds. There is air conditioning, but not super/"American" grade (it won't run in the winter in the hotel or campus; in Summer hotel is nice and cool, on campus they run AC but leave the windows open). I was sweating the whole time in Summer; then I was chased around the hotel by a guy with a laser thermometer after I got a bit sweaty in the gym...

The students there do a foundation year, so there is a convention of saying that year 1 (Leeds) is level 2 (SWJTU) etc...