If you have any UG final year projects to assess, please do so AS A MATTER OF URGENCY as we need to finalise the marks before the exam board, else the students will not be able to graduate in July.
This includes late submissions up to and including May 22nd.
Please complete by early-mid of next week (10th-12th June) using the instructions below.
Prior to meeting with the supervisor/assessor:
1. Prepare your Individual Report using the template from Minerva [under “Forms and Templates (staff)”]. Please try to give as much detail as you can under "Notes" as this will form the basis of the feedback to the student.
2. Save with a filename that makes it clear if this is the supervisor’s or assessor’s report. There is no need for a signature.
3. Go to the Minerva page for COMP3931 Individual Project.
4. Go to “Grade Centre” -> “Full Grade Centre”, and find the column for “Final Report” (you may need to expand the window or hide some other columns to see it).
5. There should be a yellow exclamation mark alongside the student. Click on the v-symbol to its right and select “Attempt ”.
6. Under “ Instructor Notes”, attach your file as a PDF.
IMPORTANT: If there are already files attached, ENSURE YOURS HAS A DIFFERENT NAME, otherwise the existing file will be silently overwritten.
After the meeting between the supervisor and assessor:
There are 3 possible outcomes:
1. Individual scores 10 marks apart or less; supervisor and assessor agree on a final mark.
a. Both prepare the Final Report using the template [Minerva -> “Forms and Templates (staff)”]. Please try to include as much detail as possible from the "Notes" sections from both individual reports.
b. The supervisor should upload to Minerva and attach to the “ Feedback to User” section as a PDF.
2. Individual scores more than 10 apart; supervisor and assessor agree on a final mark.
a. Both prepare the final report.
b. The supervisor uploads to Minerva and attaches to the " Instructor Notes" section.
c. The supervisor also provides an explanation as to why it was possible to agree on a final score despite the initial difference. This can be as either a PDF attached under “ Instructor Notes”, or as plain text in the “ Notes” box.
(there may be a light third assessment depending on the explanation)
3. Supervisor and assessor cannot agree on a final mark.
a. The supervisor should provide an explanation as to why agreement was not possible, either as a PDF attached to “ Instructor Notes” or as plain text in the “ Notes” box.
(there will be a full, blind third assessment)
Whatever the outcome, please return the hard copies of the reports to the SSO.