Teaching for the first time at Leeds can be challenging - the problems encountered resulted in me starting this wiki. The SSO can solve most lecturing and student problems - they have several emails (behold the hyphen/acronym mess!):
You may have tutees. In computing you start with about 7 students in the first year and maybe some MSc students. my page with tutorial details.
The tstaff mailing list is essential - it is used to send around all critical teaching memoranda. You should get put on it automatically (but not everyone does - Gaynor + IT can fix). I had my spam filter start sending it to the trash half way through the year.
Minerva is the name for Leeds' Blackboard teaching software, it used to be called VLE. You have to request access to every module every year (e.g. comp2811) or organisation (e.g. Computing, or SWJTU Staff). The SSO can add you to the Computing courses, otherwise you have to ask whoever's module it is. IT's Minerva documentation. Minerva tips and tricks.
SWJTU. Additional advice for staff teaching at SWJTU (our joint school in Chengdu, China).
Timetables for either a module module or yourself.
2021 Taught degree pass criteria varies per course and year (and had Covid modifications)
Digital tools/Covid-isation
Assessors. Every module has an internal assessor. SIS (use proxy) will tell you who it is. They check coursework and exam, and feedback ranges from spell-check to meaningful comments to nothing at all. They also double-grade 10% of exam papers in green ink. There are no checks that the coursework (or online exams) submitted to the assessor or external examiner is the same as given to the students. It is frequently necessary to tweak coursework descriptions for correctness (bugs in code...) and readability, but larger changes would also go un-noticed.
External examiners. in theory the school has external examinar for every module, who looks over all assessment (cw,+exams+resits). I've never recieved any meaningful or timely feedback from the external (once they confused my undergrad course with an MSc and told me to make it harder. I ignored them, there were no consequences or follow-up). In my final year, even the external had given up the process - realising their feedback would come to late to be useful.
Some example dates for teaching in your first year (exact dates change every year - most announced via tstaff mailing list):
The course catalog lists what you should teach in your module. This should almost be treated as a contract between students/staff, so keep it conservative/flexible/intentionally vague (e.g. we don't specify specific programming languages; don't offer more assessment than you can mark). It can be updated, but you have to submit updates before about February of the previous year.
Assessment Maps. These seems to be a standardised version of the module catalogue that the university uses for external comparisons. Update in-step with course changes. Sam's in charge. Sharepoint. The thing to note is that every "Learning outcome" in the catalogue must be assessed, and that we consider how the students get "formative feedback" before the final assessment. This is a reason to keep the outcomes simple.
Third year projects. Run using tstaff mailing list, comp-ug -project, and minerva (2019). Minerva contains past projects (a good exercise is to have students "mark" one a past project) and mark schemes. You will be the supervisor for some students and assessor for others; allocation on SIS (2019). You meet your supervised students every week in term. There is an intermediate report (David's email; due mid December) and final report (David's email; due start May). Proofing (from hearsay): you may give detailed notes on a single chapter once (and the overall structure at any time) but no more. Tell students it will take 2 weeks to provide this feedback (or they all ask at the last minute).
MSc projects. Very similar to third year undergraduate projects, but starting in February and running through the summer. Ammar runs a separate MSc-project mailing list (via minerva?).
Plagiarism should be reported to Natasha Chakhlevitch using these forms.
student services is the best site to find student information and timetables.
SIS is the faculty information system. It only works from a uni machine with a wired connection (or VPN). You can use it to:
PGCAP is the teacher training course most new lecturers have to take. It's a relatively high effort 18 month Masters level course. But...
PRiSE (minerva) A lower effort way to HEA teaching accreditation.
late coursework. Rules for late submissions (SoC is on 0-100 mark salary).